Thursday, July 28, 2011


We recently decided to move to Asia. For me, it's a move back. More than twenty years ago, my family made the move to America. Now I'm taking my family back. Full circle. My son must be used to moving by now - he's moved 3 times in his young life, already one of them international. My daughter has moved only once but then she probably doesn't realize it.
Years ago, when hubby and I got together, we sort of thought the world would be our oyster. We semi-seriously said we would spend five years each in Europe, America and Asia. So we tested our relationship in Europe, and sealed our partnership there. Almost five years later, we made it to Florida with our son, my turn to be with family. I was thrilled to be back home. This is our fourth year here. Just enough time to get over the horrors of the last international move (plus we moved to our current house just over a year ago). We will be applying some lessons learned, indeed.
In many ways, this would be a harder move. I feel like I'm abandoning my family yet again. But my family has always been supportive of my adventures, and that made it possible for me to flex my wings. I know that I am especially blessed. There is no better time than now, really, while we are still young enough to be attractive in the job market. Yet I know nothing about living and working in Asia, having left in my early teens. Other than the employment situation, we are most concerned with schooling and childcare. We were all ready for my son to start kindergarten here in the fall. Now we're doing research all over again. We're glad to have contacts there who will get us started. And thank heavens for the internet!
It feels like the right thing to do for us and the kids. Schooling is of high standards there. Unemployment is low and the economy seems to be growing. And food is good, a major plus for me. Just have to deal with heat and humidity all year round, and lots more people. Since it is after all the mother land, I hope my family will visit. A new adventure awaits!

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